Astrid Lindgren’s Vimmerby
Vimmerby is a friendly municipality in northern Småland where you can experience the nature of Småland with it´s beautiful forests, lakes, meadows, winding gravel roads, red cottages and barns, just like in an Astrid Lindgren story.
It was here, in Vimmerby, that Astrid Lindgren was born in 1907. Just a couple of minutes’ walk from the square in Vimmerby centre, you will find Astrid LindgrenNäs where you can see Astrid Lindgren’s childhood home.
At Astrid Lindgrens Näs you can pre-book a guided tour of the childhood home, visit the museum about Astrid Lindgren, temporary exhibitions and the gardens, where you can be inspired by Astrid Lindgren’s attitude towards nature, towards the joy and power of creative creation and towards the fun and serious sides of life.
There is a lot of history among alleys and cobbled streets in the old town around the square, Storgatan and Båtsmansbacken. The neighbourhood has later developed into a vibrant small town with trade, culture and entertainment that inspired Astrid Lindgren in many of her stories.

The countryside around Vimmerby is also home to well-known products and exciting experiences. In Frödinge, the famous and delicious cheesecake is made and on the outskirts of the city is the family brewery ÅBRO. Just outside Vimmerby you will find Katthult and Bullerbyn, the filming locations for the films about Emil in Lönneberga and The Children of Noisy Village. The countryside also offers the opportunity to kiss moose, meet Ardennes horses or small animals on the area’s farms, go zip-line and climb among the treetops, admire a unique collection of motorcycles, play and laze in an indoor playground or enjoy the tranquillity of a museum or one of Vimmerby’s parks.

Astrid Lindgrens Näs
Astrid Lindgrens Näs in Vimmerby is a visitor attraction and a place for all the senses in the heart of the environment where Astrid Lindgren grew up.
Astrid Lindgren, our best-loved author, was born on the 14th of November 1907 on the farm Näs in Vimmerby. This is where she climbed trees, played “got you!” and “don’t touch the floor” with her siblings. This is where she jumped in the hay and listened to stories in Kristin’s kitchen.
Astrid Lindgren’s Näs is the place, source and inspiration that laid the foundation for her stories.
When she wrote the stories about all the children of Noisy Village, it was her own childhood here at Astrid Lindgren´s Näs that inspired her. The nature, the games, the people and life here on the farm became an important part of her stories.

Make a visit to “Bullerbyn”(“Nosiy Village”)
If you are in Vimmerby, a visit to Sevedstorp is a must. The books about the children of Noisy Village are inspired by Astrid Lindgren’s own childhood on the farm Näs, but it was this place, “Bullerbyn” in Sevedstorp that she had in mind when she wrote the stories about the children of Noisy Village. Astrid Lindgren’s father Samuel August grew up on “Middle Farm” in Sevedstorp and when it became relevant with a remake of the films in 1986, one could not find a better place than Sevedstorp, the “real” Bullerbyn or Noisy Village.

Filmbyn Småland
In Filmbyn you get to experience the filming environments from classic children’s films such as Emil in Lönneberga, Seacrow Island and Pippi Longstocking. Step into the world of film in an exhibition created in the spirit of Astrid Lindgren. Here you get to see classic studio constructions and original costumes from the films, sing along to film music, create your own films and experience other interactive environments.

The farm Katthult as we know from the films about Emil is located in the village Gibberyd nearby the village Rumskulla, app. 25 km from Vimmerby.
Here, the classic Emil films were shot in 1971 – 73. Meet all the animals on the farm and experience the atmosphere among the buildings in the idyllic and well-preserved film environment. The main building in Katthult, with the flagstaff where Ida was hoisted up, is one of Sweden’s most photographed houses. Snickerboa or “The toolshed” is something of the heart in Katthult. Here you can go in and find Emil’s wooden men and the stove where Emil hid his lunch box, which made him manage quite well despite the fact that he was sometimes locked up for long days.
Vimmerby has a lot to offer, and we invite you to experience everything.
Welcome to Astrid Lindgren’s Vimmerby!